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Senior Spotlight: Bodhi Engum

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.–Throughout the remainder of the season, we will be highlighting this year's senior class. Up first, we have attackmen Bodhi Engum.

Bodhi is a Sociology major at the University of Minnesota. Hailing from the city of Burnsville, Minn., he grew up around the sports of hockey and lacrosse. Before coming to the U, Engum played junior hockey as a goaltender in the NAHL.

In his sophomore year, Engum broke out for 27 goals and 15 assists as a midfielder, earning him All-UMLC and All American honors. In 2016, he produced 26 goals and 12 assists as an attackman and was named first team All-UMLC. This season, Bodhi is having a career year, reaching a career season high in goals, assists, and points with 37 goals and 17 assists. He scored a new career high, 6 goals, against Pittsburgh earlier this month. He is the eighth Gopher to have surpassed 100 career points. Engum is also approaching another career milestone–100 goals–an accomplishment only one Gopher has accomplished in the past. With 93 career goals, Bodhi is currently ranked 2nd all-time in program history in that category.

When and how did you start playing lacrosse?

In my eighth-grade year, Burnsville High School started a lacrosse program. With heavy similarities to my main sport of hockey, I was drawn to the sport immediately.

What is your spirit animal? (Players are given a spirit animal by upperclassmen when they first join the team)

My animal is a barracuda since I have a uniquely quick and hard release when passing and shooting.

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I plan on working towards multiple entrepreneurial ventures hoping in the end to enjoy everything in my life to the fullest.

Most memorable moment as a Gopher?

My most memorable moment as a Gopher was the team's first trip to California. The round-trip van ride and the tough competition out West was special.

Which of your current or former teammates had the greatest impact on you?

Mainly due to our on-field banter, as well as our love for hockey and its cultural ties and lingo, my current teammate and fellow STUMP Amar definitely has the greatest impact on me.

Do you have any superstitions? Pregame rituals?

I do not have any superstitions. I see each game as a mental and physical competition to show that you and your team is the better than the team across from you.

What has been your favorite class you have taken at Minnesota?

I really do not have a favorite class that I have taken here at the U.

What is one piece of advice you have for incoming freshmen?

Live and play in the moment. This time in your life goes far too fast. Cherish the people you get to know and the places you get to visit. These things truly matter.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I can do the splits.

Favorite sport other than lacrosse?


Favorite athlete?

Jonathan Quick of the Los Angeles Kings.

Favorite food?

Bison burger. So much flavor.

Favorite movie?

John Wick 2. All I should say is 128.

If you could visit any place in the world what would it be?

If I were to be straight-forward, it would be Italy. The architecture, mountains, scenery, and water all contribute to my perception of absolute beauty. On the other hand, there is not just one place I want to visit. I value experience over everything because experiences and the memories you make are the only things that last until you are gone. So, in general, I want to visit every place worth visiting with the people that mean the most to me.


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